May 25, 2023 by admin 0 Comments

Why Limestone Road Base Is Your Best Choice in Austin, TX

Why Limestone Road Base Is Your Best Choice In Austin, TX  Whether you need a private road, a driveway, or a parking area, limestone road base is one of the best materials in town. You will get a solid, strong structure on its own, but topping it with some more crushed limestone can add aesthetic appeal and help prevent washouts and ruts.

What Is Limestone Road Base?

Limestone road materials are essentially just limestone that has been crushed into a mixture of fragments ranging in size from a grain of sand to approximately 4 cm. Most of the Austin limestone road materials are Edward’s limestone from a deposit that lies west of I-35 near the city.

Is Road Base Expensive?

One of the advantages is that road base in Austin is surprisingly affordable. Since transportation costs affect the cost of materials, the proximity of the city to the source means that road base in Austin costs much less than limestone road materials in other parts of the country. In fact, when I-35 was built through Austin, Edward’s limestone was chosen for the road base material, partially for economic reasons. Although concrete was chosen for in many areas for the interstate system, the section through Austin utilized a limestone road base material beneath a relatively thin layer of asphalt. This proved to be a wise decision; the sections of asphalt paving over Austin limestone road materials have only needed occasional resurfacing of the asphalt surface.

Besides Its Cost, What Are the Advantages of Limestone Road Base?

Whether you need road base material for driveway, road, or parking area construction, there are several excellent reasons to choose limestone.

1. Road base material is comparatively easy and fast to apply. The subgrade must have adequate drainage, and it needs to be compacted properly. Next, the limestone road base is dumped, spread, and compacted. Depending on how much work needs to be performed on the subgrade, a contractor can often install a road base driveway in as little as one day.
2. Road base in Austin must perform well under both wet and dry conditions. Road base materials serve two functions, which are to shelter the underlying soil from water penetration and to distribute loads to a larger area. Edward’s limestone, the most common type of Austin limestone road materials, excels at adhering to itself. This allows road base in Austin to create a dense mat that is virtually impervious to water penetration. Furthermore, properly installed, road base material is strong enough by itself to support large wheel loads and redistribute them to a large area of the underlying soil.
3. One reason for the popularity of road base material for driveways is that limestone road materials are visually attractive. Austin limestone road materials generally display a uniform color that goes well with virtually any style of architecture or color scheme. A road base driveway also has a clean, tidy look that can enhance the property’s curb appeal.

To learn more about road base installation, contact the experts at Juniors Materials. We also offer decomposed granite delivery, trash pickup, landscape materials delivery, and dump truck hauling. In addition, we are grading contractors, water and soil sinking contractors, and skid-steer loader contractors. We have an immaculate reputation for service and dependability. If you would like a free quote, you can use the online form to submit your request, or you can call us at 512-924-6887.

April 26, 2023 by admin 0 Comments

Do You Need Quick Austin Material Delivery?

Do You Need Quick Austin Material Delivery ? If you are a contractor, you know how important it is to complete your projects on time. Meeting your deadlines can enhance your reputation, but it also allows you to realize your profit sooner and move on to your next job. However, in recent years, roughly 75% of all projects missed their deadlines by more than 10%. Although the weather, staffing issues, and equipment breakdowns can contribute to a missed deadline, delays in receiving vital supplies are responsible in a substantial number of cases. Unfortunately, when you need an Austin material delivery in a hurry, it can be difficult to find someone who can respond quickly enough. Fortunately, if you contact Juniors Materials, we can help you get your project back on track.

What Products Are Available for an On-Demand Austin Material Delivery?

To provide the most benefits, an Austin material hauling service should be able to deliver an extensive range of products. On a single project, you might need a road base material delivery today, a gravel material delivery tomorrow, and a landscape material delivery the next day. On your next project, you might need a concrete base material delivery or a crushed concrete material delivery. You might also need any of the following products delivered as soon as possible.

• Caliche
• Sandy loam
• River rock
• DOT-certified road base
• Limestone
• Decomposed granite
• River sand
• Masonry
• Mulch
• Vulcan black rock
• Decomposed granite sand

What Are the Advantages of a Fast Austin Material Delivery?

When you are a contractor, you cannot afford to have your employees or subcontractors twiddling their thumbs due to the lack of materials. However, material delivery issues are extremely common, and they can be quite costly as well. A reputable material hauling service can help you get what you need when you need it. In addition, you should consider the following facts.

1. If you choose to send an employee to pick up the material you need, you will still be on the hook for the employee’s salary from departure to return.
2. Whether you need a decomposed granite material delivery or a road base material delivery, an Austin material delivery service will have the right truck for the job. Your trucks could be too small, or they could be too large to offer true efficiency.
3. A material delivery service will absorb the wear on the truck, the fuel costs, and the cost of insuring the truck as well as the driver.
4. Just-in-time, on-demand deliveries let you avoid the problems associated with storing excess inventory at the work site. Excess inventory can be pilfered or damaged, so you might need to hire a guard or install a fence to secure your materials. These expenses can effectively negate any savings you might have received.
5. General delivery services typically handle an extensive range of products from household goods to vehicles. Therefore, they often lack the resources for safe, efficient deliveries of construction materials. You need a material hauling service that specializes in construction materials.

Juniors Materials focuses on the delivery of construction materials in the greater Austin area. Our services include decomposed granite material delivery, road base material delivery, driveway gravel material delivery, crushed concrete material delivery, landscape material delivery, and concrete base material delivery. We are also water and soil sinking, grading, skid-steer, and we offer dump truck hauling and trash pick-up services. We are known for our fast response and dedication to customer service. We offer free quotes, so either complete our online form or call 512-924-6887 to submit your request.

April 24, 2023 by admin 0 Comments

Austin Gravel Driveways — The Cost Benefits

Austin Gravel Driveways — The Cost BenefitsTo create a residential driveway, homeowners have a variety of options. They can compact the native soil, but this will normally turn into a muddy mess when it rains. They can hire a contractor to install an asphalt driveway, but that will require them to have a contractor periodically repair cracks and sealcoat the pavement. A concrete driveway is typically more expensive than asphalt, and although concrete will normally have a longer life than asphalt, it can be vulnerable to damage from tree roots or ground heave. At the high end of the scale, homeowners can install pavers, but this will cost a lot of money. For many people in Austin gravel driveways offer the best combination of cost, aesthetics, and maintenance.

How Does the Cost of Austin Gravel Driveways Compare to the Other Options?

Just like the other options, there are many variables that can affect the cost of a gravel driveway installation. The road base material and the specific residential gravel you choose can impact the cost. Furthermore, not all gravel driveway contractors charge identical rates for labor. The same factors can also affect the cost of asphalt, concrete, or paver driveways. Therefore, the following information states the cost range rather than an exact number.

1. Gravel: A gravel driveway installation typically costs between $1 and $2 per square foot.
2. Asphalt: Including the cost for preparing the ground, an asphalt driveway usually costs between $2 and $2.50 per square foot.
3. Concrete: Depending on various factors, a concrete driveway can cost anywhere from $4 to $18 per square foot.
4. Pavers: Pavers are often installed over a bed of road base gravel. Including the road base rock, paver driveways normally cost between $10 and $60 per square foot.

How Much Does It Cost to Maintain Austin Gravel Driveways?

Paver, asphalt, concrete, and gravel driveways will all need to be maintained or repaired to retain their functionality. However, unlike the other options, homeowners can often handle the maintenance themselves, especially if they ask their contractor to leave a pile of residential gravel for them at the time of the installation.

How Are Austin Gravel Driveways Installed?

The specific design of a residential gravel driveway will have an impact on the exact steps involved in the installation. However, in most cases, gravel driveway contractors use the following method.

1. Remove a layer of topsoil.
2. Compact the subgrade.
3. If the customer desires, lay down a geotextile fabric to block the growth of weeds.
4. Install a layer of road base material to a thickness of approximately four inches and compact it.
5. Install about four inches of smaller road base rock and compact it.
6. The third layer of residential gravel typically contains pieces about the size of marbles. After placing it, it is compacted.
7. Shape the center crown to ensure that water will flow to either side.

If you would like to learn more about gravel driveways, contact Juniors Materials. We are a local Austin company with an exemplary reputation. Our services include the delivery of road base material, decomposed granite, and landscape materials. We also offer grading services, trash pickup, and dump truck hauling. In addition, we are a water and soil sinking contractor and a skid-steer loader contractor. We have the experience, equipment, and staff to deliver exceptional work at affordable prices. If you would like to request a free quote, you can call 512-924-6887, or you can fill out our online form.

March 26, 2023 by admin 0 Comments

The Benefits of Austin Concrete Base Limestone

The Benefits of Austin Concrete Base Limestone It has been said that the number of ways to accomplish a task will depend on the creativity of the person handling the task. If you want to confirm the truth of this saying, you need only look at the history of paving. Once people decided that there had to be a better way to go from one point to another than slogging through mud or stirring up clouds of dust, the paving industry was born. Throughout the centuries, paving materials have included wood planks, gravel, cobblestones, logs, bricks, flagstones, wood blocks, sandstone, granite, and concrete. Although the history of paving materials is fascinating, it is so extensive that the focus of this article must be limited to the benefits of Austin concrete base limestone.

What Is Limestone?

Limestone is an extremely common type of sedimentary rock. Limestone forms naturally when minerals, primarily aragonite and calcite, precipitate out of water that contains dissolved calcium. It is estimated that more than 20% of the planet’s sedimentary rock is limestone. Although commonly gray or white in color, traces of manganese or iron can give it a red or yellow color, while unusually rich organic matter can produce limestone that is nearly black. Limestone is used for a variety of purposes, including the production of concrete, the manufacture of asphalt shingles, and in the process of metal refining. It is also used as railroad ballast, pipe bedding, and rip rap. Furthermore, limestone is a popular road base material. Many homes in the Austin area feature a limestone road base driveway.

What Are the Benefits of Concrete Road Base Limestone?

Whether you need a road base material for driveway construction, landscaping, or parking lot construction, limestone may be the perfect choice.

1. Limestone road base is readily available. In many cases, you can receive a road base delivery in as little as one day.
2. Road base in Austin is affordable. Limestone is abundant in the area, which means that it costs less than many other materials.
3. Compared to concrete base, limestone is more aesthetically pleasing, less permeable, and less likely to be contaminated with dirt or foreign materials.
4. Limestone is durable and tough. It can withstand the elements with only minimal care.
5. Crushed limestone is a very versatile material. Whether you want a road base material to create a garden path, a driveway, a parking area, or another project, concrete base limestone can be an ideal choice.
6. Crushed limestone is soft enough to allow excellent compaction. When road base is compacted, it is less likely to be dislodged by traffic.

Junior Materials Hauling has served customers in the Austin area for more than 15 years. We offer a wide variety of services, including road base installation, landscape materials delivery, road base delivery, decomposed granite delivery, trash pickup, and dump truck hauling. In addition, we are a qualified water and soil sinking contractor, grading contractor, and skid-steer loader contractor. We offer free quotes, so submit your request today by filling out the online form, emailing, or calling 512-924-6887.

March 25, 2023 by admin 0 Comments

What Is the Best Application for Road Base in the Austin, TX Area?

What Is the Best Application for Road Base in the Austin, TX Area?Whether you are building a private road, a parking lot, a driveway, a city street, or a rural road, you have several options for its construction. However, some construction choices are better than others for certain applications. If you are considering a road base Austin TX project, you will likely be interested in the following information.

Does the Department of Transportation Sanction Road Base Austin TX Projects?

The DOT has approved road base for asphalt and concrete paving projects. The agency has also approved base rock for driveways, roadways, and parking lots.

How Expensive Is Road Base for Austin Texas Projects?

Road base rock is usually limestone or gravel, both of which are plentiful in Central Texas. This makes commercial road base extremely economical. However, if you enter road base gravel near me in your browser’s search window, you will get only a handful of sources. This allows you to compare prices quickly, but you need to make sure whether the price includes delivery as well as whether you must purchase a minimum quantity that exceeds your needs.

What Are the Advantages of Using Road Base for Austin TX Projects?

Just like every other paving material, there are advantages and disadvantages to road base. However, the advantages outnumber the disadvantages, and there are actually no disadvantages for certain projects.

1. Commercial road base makes an excellent foundation for asphalt or concrete pavements, including roadways and parking lots. It is often chosen for projects where it would be too costly to use asphalt for this purpose.
2. A road base driveway is typically much less expensive than a driveway made of solid concrete.
3. Installing road base in Austin Texas is one of the simplest construction jobs. This means that the labor costs are usually quite attractive.
4. Road base rock surfaces are attractive and versatile.
5. Road base in Austin Texas requires little maintenance. However, one of the disadvantages of a road base driveway or roadway is that it can become dusty after years of exposure to dry, hot summers. Another disadvantage is that they can soak up water when it rains, and this can cause ruts to develop where you drive. To offset potential disadvantages, you will want to maintain your grading to ensure proper drainage. It is also prudent to add a fresh layer of road base rock every year or two.
6. A road base driveway is a classic style that is suitable for virtually every home and every architectural style.
7. Contractors installing road base in Austin TX can recommend methods to increase its durability or alter its appearance. For example, adding a cement-treated base over the natural soil can help with durability, and topping the surface with gravel can change the color of the surface.

To learn more about road base, contact Junior Materials Hauling. We offer road base installations, dump truck hauling, decomposed granite delivery, grading services, excavations, concrete demolition, trash pickup, and landscape materials delivery. We are also a skid-steer loader contractor and a water or soil sinking contractor. We have an excellent reputation, impeccable references, and a commitment to serving every customer to the best of our ability. If you are interested in a free quote, you can use the online form to submit your request. If you prefer, you can also call our Hutto office at 512-924-6887.

February 15, 2023 by admin 0 Comments

The Benefits of Demand Landscape Material Delivery

Regardless of their specialty, contractors understand the truth behind the old saying equating time and money. Even contractors with multiple crews need to finish one job before moving to the next one. Furthermore, the longer a job takes to complete, the more the contractor will spend for labor, mobilization, and other associated expenses. One method that can help you save both time and money is on-demand landscape material delivery.

What Is On-Demand Landscape Material Delivery?

A study conducted in 2013 found that up to 63% of the direct labor cost on large construction projects was spent on nonproductive tasks. These tasks included breaks, travel time, and planning, but downtime due to a lack of equipment or materials accounted for a significant portion. On-demand materials delivery can drastically reduce this downtime. Although on-demand deliveries sometimes involve same-day emergency service, they are typically scheduled a day or more in advance.

What Are the Advantages of On-Demand Landscape Material Delivery?

In addition to reducing downtime caused by a lack of materials, on-demand deliveries provide several other benefits, including improved profitability and enhanced efficiency.

  1. Bulk shipments are seldom a great deal for contractors, but vendors prefer them because it saves them time and money. Even if you pay less for a bulk shipment, it could cost you more in the long run. How will you secure the material until you need it? If you do not secure it, you could lose all or part of the remainder to theft or damage. With on-demand deliveries, you are receiving your landscape materials just when you need them, which is why this concept is sometimes called a just-in-time, or JIT, delivery.
  2. If you have to send your employees to pick up the material you need, you are paying them to travel to the supplier’s location, wait for loading, then travel back to the work site. Depending on the distance between your supplier and your site, the trip could take several hours. Even if you only send a truck driver on the mission, consider how much money this could cost.
  3. Professional materials delivery services will have their own fleets of trucks and equipment to ensure efficiency and safety. They are the ones paying to maintain, repair, and insure their vehicles, and they are also paying for the fuel. If you send your own truck, you will be the one incurring these expenses.

Juniors Materials is a locally owned hauling company with a reputation for extraordinary service. We offer landscape material delivery, decomposed granite delivery, trash pickup, concrete demolition, truck pickup, road base installation, and dump truck hauling. In addition, we are a water or soil sinking contractor, a grading contractor, and an excavation contractor. We serve clients in many towns in Central Texas, including Round Rock, Austin, Hutto, Belton, Lago Vista, Elgin, and Bastrop. We offer great rates and free quotes, so contact us today to request a quote. You can reach our office in Hutto by calling 512-924-6887, or you can complete and submit our online form.

December 12, 2018 by admin 0 Comments

Five Things to Know About Decomposed Granite Material Delivery

Decomposed Granite Material

You want to upgrade your property, but you are tired of soliciting quotes, attempting to identify asphalt paving scams, or fielding calls from concrete contractors. Before you abandon your plans or make a bad decision, you might want to consider decomposed granite. Here are five things you may not know about this alternative to traditional options.

1. Do You Know That Decomposed Granite Is Quite Strong?

Normally, when people refer to something that is decomposed, the inference is that it is undesirable, weak, or of little use. None of these inferences apply to decomposed granite. Granite breaks down over time, creating smaller chunks and even dust particles that landscapers refer to as decomposed granite. Once installed, wet thoroughly, and properly compacted, decomposed granite is harder than gravel, stone pavers, or even marble.

2. Do You Know That Decomposed Granite Is Available in Different Colors?

The color of decomposed granite is the result of the chemicals or minerals that exist in the location where the parent granite was quarried or mined. Thus, the colors of unaltered decomposed granite are those found in nature. Brown, black, rust, gold, and white are the most common, but you can also find decomposed granite in subtle shades of rose, blue, or green.

3. Do You Know That Decomposed Granite Makes an Excellent Mulch?

Because decomposed granite is permeable, water can still get through it. Decomposed granite stays in place better and lasts longer than straw or similar materials, and it does an excellent job of keeping trees, shrubs, and plants warmer in the winter.

4. Do You Know That Decomposed Granite Has Many Landscaping Uses?

Decomposed granite can be used as an outdoor rug to define a space that is more inviting than pavers or concrete. It is ideal for creating a walkway through your garden or to connect buildings. You can replace your driveway or even your entire lawn with decomposed granite.

5. Do You Know That Having Your Decomposed Granite Delivered Is Often Less Expensive Than Picking It Up Yourself?

Think about all the costs you will incur to pick up your decomposed granite. The cost of fuel and the wear on your vehicle should be considered, especially if you will need to make several trips to pick up the quantity that you need. Your time is also valuable; you cannot be productive if you are running back and forth to collect the amount of material necessary for your project. A materials delivery contractor can often make one trip to provide you with all the decomposed granite you need to complete your landscaping project.

Do You Know That Juniors Materials Offers Decomposed Granite Delivery?

We have the ability to deliver more than 20 tons of decomposed granite in a single trip. In addition to decomposed granite and landscape materials delivery, we offer road base installations, dump truck hauling, trash pickup, excavations, concrete demolition, truck pickup, skid-steer services, and water or soil sinking solutions. We are known for our amazing service, high-quality work, and competitive rates. To request a free quote, complete our online form, or you can reach us at 512-924-6887 if you would rather call us.

December 12, 2018 by admin 0 Comments

Austin Grading — How To Transform Your Land and Driveway

Your home’s curb appeal can have a dramatic impact on its value. Properties that have little or no curb appeal are often perceived as being worth less than a nearly identical home with excellent curb appeal. However, enhancing your home’s curb appeal is not the only reason you might want to consider hiring an Austin grading land contractor.

What Is Grading?

In the broadest sense, land grading is a way to alter the terrain. The reasons for the alteration can vary a great deal. For example, grading is an important step in ensuring a solid foundation for a new wall, fence, home, or other structural feature. In this sense, grading is closely related to leveling. One important difference between grading and leveling is that grading can also be used to adjust the ground’s slope.

Why Might I Want the Services of an Austin Grading Land Contractor?

In the Austin area, drainage issues are very common. Adjusting the ground’s slope can help control where and how water flows. Whether the water’s source is runoff from a neighbor’s property, rain, or a sprinkler system, soil erosion can be the result. Saturated ground can shift, creating an uneven terrain that could prove hazardous to you or your family members. The low spots can make mowing more challenging as well. If water collects around the edges of your paved driveway, it could seep beneath the surface and destabilize the pavement’s foundation. If you have a gravel driveway, improper drainage could wash away material, leading to ruts or potholes.

What Are Some Signs That the Services of an Austin Grading Land Contractor Are Needed?

As discussed above, ruts or potholes in a gravel driveway, uneven terrain, and soil erosion could all indicate the need for professional grading. Following are three more common signs that you need to hire an Austin grading contractor.

  1. Puddles of water in your yard or on an unpaved driveway are an obvious indication of a drainage problem. This is especially true if the puddles appear in the same locations every time it rains.
  2. Unhealthy vegetation is another indication that you probably need to contact a grading contractor. Typically, if you maintain your landscaping properly, all trees, shrubs, and other plants will be in equivalent health. If sections of grass or certain flower beds are less healthy than identical vegetation, or some trees or shrubs look healthier than others, the problem could be too much or too little water.
  3. Water that infiltrates where it does not belong can be a sign of a drainage issue. For example, if water begins to appear near a basement wall or inside a garage, poor drainage may have caused the soil to shrink away from the foundation.

Juniors Materials is an Austin grading contractor as well as an excavation contractor, skid-steer contractor, concrete demolition contractor, and water or soil sinking contractor. We also offer trash pickup, dump truck hauling, truck pickup, landscape material delivery, road base installation, and decomposed granite delivery. We are experienced, dependable, and professional, and we offer great prices. To request a free, no-strings quote, you can either call 512-924-6887 or fill out our online form.